Harrison’s Manual of Oncology ~ Biblioteca Moderna

martes, 8 de julio de 2014

Harrison’s Manual of Oncology

Harrison’s Manual of Oncology – Bruce A. Chabner, Thomas J. Lynch, Jr., Dan L. Longo. Our intent in writing this book is to provide a concise, straightforward, and well-referencedmanual about cancer chemotherapy and biotherapy and to place in context the role of such drugs in the treatment of specific malignant diseases. Further, we offer a condensed version in PDA form for rapid reference on the ward and in the clinic. As physicians actively involved in teaching and patient care, we appreciate the challenge of providing a readily digestible resource for young physicians confronted with a patient with a challenging disease and potentially fatal disease. From today’s leading clinicians in cancer care comes this comprehensive yet portable guide to the major chemotherapeutic and supportive care agents in oncology. Full of never-before-published content, this invaluable clinical companion features numerous tables and a concise, outline-oriented text, making it ideal for reference at a glance.

Formato: .PDF
Compresión: .RAR
Hospedaje: RapidShare, DepositFiles y Ziddu
Peso: 9.51 MB
Idioma: Español


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